Board Meeting
Oregon Park District Board Meetings are held the second Tuesday of each month at 6:00 p.m. unless otherwise posted. Board Agendas and Minutes are available for viewing/downloading in Adobe Acrobat Reader format and available on our Minutes page. For more information please contact the Board Secretary.
Policy on Addressing the Board of Commissioners
Visitors are always welcome to all meetings of the Oregon Park District except for the portion of the meetings that are held in executive session. Visitors to Board meetings shall be given an opportunity to address the Board at any regular or special meeting pursuant to the rules and regulations set forth by the Board in this Policy. In addition, visitors may, at the discretion of the presiding officer, address the Board concerning a specific matter on the agenda during the Board’s deliberation of such matter. The presiding officer shall determine visitor participation on a specific agenda item and if so, the manner and duration of such participation.
The Board President will identify and call on members of the audience wishing to address the Board in random order. Visitors will be recognized by raising their hand during that portion of the Agenda entitled “Recognition of Visitors”. Upon being recognized, the visitor will be required to state their name and reason for addressing the Board. The visitor may provide their address if they wish to. Everyone is encouraged to seek information and appropriate remedies to concerns or complaints prior to the Board meeting by discussing them in advance with the appropriate department supervisor or the Director of Park and Recreation of the Oregon Park District.
Time allowed for public comment is limited to three minutes per person. Combined time allowed for public comment during “Recognition of Visitors” is limited to 30 minutes. Applauding, booing, or similar disorderly behavior will not be tolerated and may result in removal from the meeting by the Board President with the consent of the Board. Comments threatening or inciting violence and comments of an obscene or pornographic nature will result in removal from the meeting at the director of the Board President with the consent of the Board. Violators who violate the foregoing regulations shall be subject to arrest for disorderly conduct if their behavior constitutes a threat to the safety of any Member of the Board, Park District Staff or the audience.
Members of the Board rely on staff for information and typically will not have answers to common procedural questions or issues. The main function of the Oregon Park District Board is to provide direction, set policy and district goals while it is the responsibility of staff to manage the day to day operations of the Park District.