Refund Request
Program Refund Policy
To withdraw from a program, a refund application must be completed. An administrative fee of $5 shall be deducted from the amount of the refund to offset the cost of processing the refund. A full refund, less the fee, will be granted if the application for refund is filed at least ten days prior to the scheduled start of the program or activity. Refunds will not be granted after the registration deadline. All program refunds are subject to the program coordinator’s approval. A full refund will be issued if the Park District reschedules or cancels a class.
Shelter and Facility Rental Refund Policy
To withdraw from a shelter or facility rental, a refund application must be completed. An administrative fee of $5 shall be deducted from the amount of the refund to offset the cost of processing the refund. A full refund, less the fee, will be granted if the application for refund is filed at least ten days prior to the scheduled start of the shelter or facility rental. All shelter and facility refunds are subject to the Park District’s approval. A full refund will be issued if the Park District reschedules or cancels a shelter or facility reservation.
Camp Oh-Pea-Dee Refund Policy
To withdraw a child from a session of summer camp, a refund application must be submitted online. A full refund, less the 10% non-refundable deposit, will be granted if the application for refund is filed at least 14 days before the scheduled start of the session. If the session was not yet paid but scheduled to be automatically withdrawn from the refund applicant, the scheduled invoice will be terminated. Refunds will not be granted after the 14 days prior unless due to a medical note or emergency. All refunds are subject to the program coordinator’s approval. A full refund will be issued if the Park District reschedules or cancels a session.
Extended Time Refund Policy
To withdraw a child from Extended Time, a refund request must be submitted online. A full refund, less the $5 administrative fee, will be granted if the application for refund is filed by the 25th of the month prior, also known as the Extended Time registration deadline. Refunds will not be granted after the 25th of the month prior unless due to a medical note or emergency. All refunds are subject to the program coordinator’s approval. A full refund will be issued if the Park District cancels a scheduled day.
Pass Refund Policy
Refunds will not be approved on Park District passes, however refunds may be requested on passes for two reasons: major illness and/or injury with a doctor’s note or a move outside of a 90 mile radius with proof of primary residency (updated ID, utility bill, etc.). Passes and cards are non-transferable.