Aqua Zip’n Grand Opening March 12th!!!

April Special Meeting

Apr 6th, 2023

From Mark Tremble, President of the Oregon Park District Board of Commissioners

The special meeting that I called for Friday April 7, 2023 has been cancelled at my direction. There were commissioners that had prior commitments and would not be able to be in attendance. We will have a regular scheduled Oregon Park District meeting on Tuesday April 11, 2023 at 6:00 PM at Nash Recreation Center. The agenda will be posted as usual and customary.  My expectation is that during the May 9, 2023 board meeting, the transition from the current Oregon Park District Board of Commissioners to the newly elected Board of Commissioners will be positive and respectful. The continuation of superior facilities, programs, and operations is of the utmost importance. My pledge is that this will continue to be my priority as long as I serve the community.