Aqua Zip’n Grand Opening March 12th!!!

Easter Egg Hunts

Hoppin’ Down the Storywalk Trail to the Easter Bunny

March 24, 2021 | 1:30-6:00 pm | Registration Required | Registration Deadline: March 17, 2021 | Fee: FREE

The Park District invites families to join us this year for a hop down the StoryWalk Trail to find the Easter Bunny.  Enjoy the StoryWalk Trail at Park West and read The Story of the Easter Bunny by Katherine Tegen.  Families will enjoy a visit with the Easter Bunny and get a goodie bag.  We are EGGcited to offer an alternative to the typical Easter Egg Hunts.  Although the event is free, families must be registered as time slots are limited.  Each time slot is limited to 4 children and 2 adults.  One person will register per family.  Please make sure to fully complete the questionnaire during registration to provide the names and ages of everyone attending.  This will help us make sure every child leaves with a goodie bag and a smile on their face!

Visit from the Easter Bunny

April 2, 2021 OR April 3, 2021 | 9am-12pm | Registration Required | Registration Deadline: March 25, 2021 Fee: $10/house/1st child + $5 for each additional child

Book a private visit from the Easter Bunny!  In spite of the pandemic, the Easter Bunny is an essential worker and will be hopping right along this year providing Easter cheer.  Register for a visit and the Easter Bunny will personally deliver a goodie bag for each of your children which includes a yummy personalized Easter cookie.  Visits will be limited to just a few minutes so that the Easter Bunny can stop at several homes.  Visits are limited to Oregon Park District residents.  Be sure to have your video camera/camera ready for the Bunny’s arrival. You will receive a text, 10 minutes prior to arrival. Meet the Bunny outside when he arrives and be ready for photos or he will leave your goodie bag (s) on your porch if you’d prefer to watch from the window. Visits will be short to accommodate all reservations.  Registration only available for individuals residing within the Oregon Park District residency boundaries.  The Village of Mt. Morris is not included.  If you are unsure if you are within the Oregon Park District residency boundaries, please call (815) 732-3101 during business hours.

Pups Picture with the Easter Bunny

April 3, 2021 | 9-10am | Registration Required | Registration Deadline: April 1, 2021 | Fee: $10/$12 NR

Register your pooch for a 5 minute time slot to snap some pictures with the Easter Bunny.  Bring your camera and get a photo of your four-legged friend with the Easter Bunny.  If your dog is well trained and comfortable, a staff member will take your dog and sit him/her right next to the bunny so you can work on attention and smile and take pictures.  If you would like your family in the photo as well, that’s not a problem but everyone will be 6′ in front of the Easter Bunny.  We will work with you to get that special photo, but time will be limited in order to accommodate all of our pet lovin’ families!